What did everyone do on the first day of 2005?
We spent all day listening to Einsteurzende Neubauten
Unlike the two orcas above, I did not spend all day listening to an obscure German industrial music group.
However, I did manage to do the following:
--Wake up at a reasonable time
--Clean up my kitchen, especially the counter
--Put away misc. holiday items
--Speed defrosted the turkey, prepped it, and put it in the oven (in progress now).
--Made myself dinch (brown rice, sunflower seeds, and peanuts with tamari sauce--high roughage, healthy, and cleansing--just what I need after nonstop rich holiday food)
--Bathe, with two items I got as gifts from LUSH--Angels on Bare Skin Facial Cleanser and Sea Vegetable Soap
--Took care of various financial matters, i.e. bills, etc.
--Threw out a massive amount of paperwork and other no-longer-useful crap that was cluttering my place
--Opened all the windows to get a fresh breeze in
--Paid my rent
Later, I plan on looking at one of the Netflix DVDs that has been fermenting on top of my TV since March, when I started my current gig. I also need to set up my calendar for next year. I also need to set up my gym bag so that I can be motivated to go back to a regular gym schedule.
So, what did all of you do today? Start any good habits or stop any bad ones? Tell all...
posted by Jenonymous @ 6:28:00 PM