What to do with Raffle Turkey
I won me one of these at the office
Okay, so maybe not a wild one (I wish!! My Mom's departmental chairperson bow-hunts these and we keep hoping he'll share...but I digress...). The one I picked up at the office is about 14 lbs, comes with the innards/neck, and is currently frozen as hard as granite. I just put it in the fridge to defrost, and will attempt to do something with it on Monday.
So far the game plan it to roast it (gotta get me a throw-away roaster--my Le Crueset roaster may not be wide enough) and then Cut it Up and Do Stuff With It.
Obviously, a lot of the meat is going to be re-frozen As Is, as I am just myself and can't eat all that turkey. Soup from the carcass/trimmings is also in the works.
Other than Turkey Sandwiches and Turkey Salad, I was thinking of variations upon Creamed Turkey and perhaps Turkey Curry. Remember, I have a lot of turkey, and can portion it out accordingly. I also have a Chicken Chilie recipe that can probably play well with cooked turkey, if I just cook up the sauce beforehand.
Also be aware of this site by the good folks at Butterball which has all kinds of odd leftover suggestions.
However, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this first.
Happy New Year!
posted by Jenonymous @ 1:16:00 PM